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Mundanely Magical Mondays: Week 1


Welcome to Mundanely Magical Mondays!

If you’re new here, you’re in exactly the right place. This is Week 1, the beginning of a journey toward finding the magic in everyday moments. Each Monday, we’ll offer simple yet powerful practices to help you slow down, tune in, and embrace the beauty of the ordinary.

Every Thursday, Carisa will guide us through a virtual "Intentional Living" class.

If you can’t make it live, no worries! You can catch up anytime—our blog and YouTube channel will be updated regularly so you can stay connected on the journey.

Let’s begin…

This month, we’ll explore the theme of (be)coming—embracing the stillness of winter, honoring the beauty of simply being, and laying the foundation for what’s next.

February often finds us longing for March, eager for the first signs of spring and the end of winter’s grasp.

But if we look closer, nature invites us to pause—to appreciate its quiet slumber before the bloom.

WEEK 1: Tiny Little Practices (TLPs)

o b s e r v e nature

  • Take a few moments throughout the day to gaze out the window

  • What is nature doing? How is it moving? Notice the colors, textures, and sounds around you

  • Breathe in deeply, then exhale as slowly as possible

  • Look again—can you spot something new? A shifting shadow, a passing bird, a hidden pattern?

d a y d r e a m without doing

  • Ask yourself: What’s stirring within me?

  • Allow your mind to wander and dream about who you’re becoming

  • Then, simply let it go

Too often, we rush to turn dreams into reality, forgetting the importance of dreaming for its own sake. There will be time for action later—this is a moment to simply imagine.

d o n o t h I n g

  • Set a timer for three minutes and do absolutely nothing

One of our favorite practices! This isn’t meditation—there’s no need to focus or control your thoughts. Just sit still, let your mind drift as it pleases, and embrace the quiet. Try this in the evening before bed for a moment of pure stillness.

Week 1 Virtual Intentional Living Class, click image below