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AUG 30- SEPT 3, 2024

detailed itinerary | Price | FAQs

5 spots left

What Makes This Adventure Special:

This trip is an amazing opportunity to introduce yourself to the incredible world of backpacking - all while getting to do it in one of the most beautiful National Parks!  The experience of being in the Colorado Rockies is second to none with crisp Rocky Mountain air, soaring views, wildlife sightings, and tranquil mountain glacier lakes. 

This adventure includes:

  • Everything you need for backpacking as a beginner

  • Opportunity to explore Colorado's Rocky Mountain National Park

  • 1 night front country camping, 2 nights backcountry camping, 1 night at the historic Stanley Hotel

  • Glacier lake picnics, hikes, wildlife sightings

  • Team of support including Root Tour Leader and Local Guide for personal guidance

With local guides with decades of experience you will be well taken care of throughout the experience.  From the beginning they will help make sure gear is properly packed and fitted, tend to aches and pains on the trail, and prepare delicious and nutritious meals. 

Our Root Adventures Tour Leaders will infuse the experience with mindfulness practices that will help you reconnect with nature and yourself. Ending with a fun stay at the historic Stanley Hotel, you'll have the opportunity rest and reconnect with your fellow travelers before heading home.

+ Daily movement and mindfulness activities
+ 1 experienced Root tour leaders, plus local guide
+ 3 month pre-trip physical and mental preparation guide
+ 2 pre-trip Zoom calls
+ 6 Week Post-trip integration guide
+ 2 post-trip Zoom calls
+ Talk to a real human when booking and planning your trip!

Detailed Itinerary

(Click “+” To learn more)

  • Your adventure begins today! You’ll meet your group and guides at the Denver International Airport.

    We’ll enjoy lunch in town before transferring to our frontcountry campground just outside Rocky Mountain National Park.

    We’ll make sure our bags are packed and fitted properly and distribute group gear. We’ll enjoy a delicious camp dinner before getting into our tents to rest up before our first big day of hiking!

    Accommodations: Frontcountry Camping

    Meals: L, D

  • After a leisurely morning at camp, we’ll begin the drive to the trailhead.

    We’ll enjoy a 4 mile hike to our backcountry basecamp for the next two nights and learn about the indigenous people and park history along the way.

    Upon arriving at camp, you’ll enjoy some gentle movement and stretching followed by a welcome dinner with good company. You’ll sleep beneath the stars surrounded by the mountains.

    Accommodations: Backcountry Camping

    Meals: B, L, D

  • An optional morning meditation practice will clear our minds for the day's new adventure.

    We’ll spend the day hiking 11 miles- being sure to take our time! Mid-day we’ll stop for lunch with a view at a beautiful glacial lake. We’ll be rewarded with lush green meadows, wildflowers, and maybe some falls. We’ll keep our eyes peeled for elk, moose, bears, big-horned sheep, and more!

    After returning to our campsite we'll enjoy a gourmet camp dinner with a cool down stretch and time for evening reflection.

    Accommodations: Backcountry Camping

    Meals: B, L, D

  • After a leisurely morning with some recovery movement and mindful practices we’ll enjoy breakfast at camp before packing up and making the final trek to where we started.

    We’ll then make our way to the town of Estes Park and the historic Stanley Hotel. We’ll enjoy a farewell dinner at a local restaurant as we reflect on
    our adventure!

    Accommodations: Stanley Hotel

    Meals: B, L, D

  • This morning, we will make our way back to the Denver International Airport and say “see you soon!” to the group and guides.

PRICE: $3395 per person, Double Occupancy

Deposit: $500 due today
Final Balance: due 90 days prior to departure

Solo travelers will be paired with one another

Payment plans available, please inquire.


  • We provide a full service experience. Included in your trip cost is:

    +Transportation: All transportation is included from arrival at the Denver International Airport and return.

    +Food: All food from lunch on day one to dinner on day 5 are included as outlined in the itinerary.

    +Accommodation: Accommodation during the backpacking portion of the trip will be in shared, modern, lightweight 2-person weather-proof tents. Also included is a one night stay at the Stanley Hotel in Estes Park on the last night of your trip.

    +Equipment: Trip participants will be responsible for providing their own hiking clothing, rain gear, and sturdy hiking footwear. We will provide group camping gear along with sleeping bags and sleeping pads. Option for us to rent backpack and hiking poles for you. The guides will provide the group safety gear such as tarps, emergency communication devices and bear spray as well as group cooking gear and food.

    +Safety: As with all our trips, safety is our number one priority. We expect the unexpected and will have plans for anything that could happen while on our adventures. We will have radios and other types of emergency communication devices, evacuation plans, and all of our guides have current Advanced Wilderness First Aid Certificates.

    +1 Root Expert Tour Leader who will facilitate mindfulness/wellness practices

    +1 Local Guide

    +Daily mindfulness activities

    +Individual pre-trip assistance as needed

    +2 pre-trip calls

    +2 post trip calls

    -Access to our Director of Traveler Experience who can help answer all your questions!

    +All tips/gratuities

    +3 month pre-trip preparation series

    +6 Week Post-Trip Meditation Series to help integrate your experience

    +Lifetime access to the Root Community

  • Airfare, travel insurance, souvenirs, alcoholic beverages, and anything not detailed in the itinerary.

  • At this time of the year expect warm, sunny days followed by chilly nights. As we approach the end of the summer season expect for the weather to be a bit more chillier, so pack with plenty of layers!

    The average temperature is 73 degrees Fahrenheit during the day with lows in the upper 30’s at night. There is a high potential for afternoon storms and winds, but they rarely stick around for long!

  • You’ll need to arrive in Denver, CO (DIA Airport) by 11am on August 30th.

    Please depart from DIA any time after 11am on September 3rd.

  • We classify this trip a difficulty level of 5 out of 5. Which means prior hiking experience is highly recommended. This is a beginner friendly backpacking trip, so no prior backpacking experience is necessary.

    However expect to carry a 35+ lb pack for multiple days on trail for sustained daily time. Expect elevation gain, variable terrain and weather conditions. Below are approximate daily mileages. You can check out the full detailed itinerary here above.

    Day 1: 0km

    Day 2: Hike to campsite- Approximately 4.3 miles with elevation gain (this is where we will set up camp and spend the next three days)

    Day 3: Day Hike - Approximately 11.5 miles (will not be carrying full heavy packs)

    Day 4: Hike Out - Approximately 4.3 miles

    Day 5: 0km

  • Sleeping accommodations are a combination of hotel stays and camping as detailed in the itinerary.

    Your first 3 nights will be camping accommodations with the first night in a front country campsite and the next 2 at your backcountry camping set up.

    Your last night will be at the Stanley Hotel in Estes Park where you can take a hot shower and get a good night's sleep before your travels home!

    Accommodation during the backcountry portion of the trip will be in shared, modern, lightweight 2 person weather-proof tents.

  • You will be carrying a heavy backpacking pack (35+ lbs) with everything you need for camping for 4 days. You will be carrying individual gear as well as a portion of the distributed shared group gear provided by the local guides.

    The key in backpacking is to pack as light as possible! We will talk about this much more and make sure you are prepared!

    You can find a detailed packing list here. We will also go over gear in much more detail on our two pre-trip calls.

  • Yes! Most dietary requests can be arranged in advance.

    Incredible meals are provided by the local guides and will help be prepared by all participants.

  • On the days you’ll be camping there is no access to electricity and minimal to zero access to cell phone service.

  • On the backpacking portion of the trip there will be no access to showers or toilets. Your guides will show you how to practice “leave no trace” practices for elimination on trails and outdoors.

  • Here is a packing list. We will also go through gear questions in more detail in our two pre-trip calls.

  • Yes! It is absolutely recommended that you do practice hikes, walks, or strength and cardio conditioning to prepare for this trip.

    Three months before the start of your trip you will receive a pre-trip preparation series that includes a training plan.

  • Please email info@rootadventures.com or schedule a call. We would love to hear from you!

Why Trek With Root?
Hear directly from our travelers:


“Trips with Heart

You go for the adventure, but get much more! I was blown away by the thought put into my backpacking trip with Root. It was such a memorable experience. The type of community Root attracts for these adventures and makes space to connect with during the trip ensures you leave with friends for life. Thanks for that 😘”


“12/10 experience!!!

This trip could not have gone better. I met 8 amazing humans and together we conquered the backcountry of Colorado. We saw so many beautiful views and everyone was so supportive. I would recommend this trip and this company to anyone!”

Contact Us with any Questions or to book!

Phone: 720.840.0866